Personal Growth Lessons and Workshops

 Personal Growth 

Private Lessons/Workshops
jay dancing bear

If you have gotten interested in personal growth, and would like to speak with a man who has been actively pursuing his own personal growth for the past 42 years, i offer you my services. 

After thinking about it for years, I am now hanging out my shingle as a personal growth advisor. I want to make clear that I am not formally trained as a teacher by any particular school, and I make no claims other than that I am sincere in my desire to share my knowledge. These ideas may work for you or may not, I make no guarantees, and I take no responsibility for any effects or consequences you experience, good or bad. You are responsible for the use you make of what I offer, just as you would reap the gains or losses of stock market  advice. I am simply giving you my best understanding as of now, and next week my understanding might grow to a different realization, as might yours.

I have spent a lot of time and money in pursuit of my own personal growth. I have meditated, done yoga, tai chi, worked with my diet, have taken workshops, read countless books, listened to tapes, watched videos, lived at Esalen and Harbin, and spent many, many hours of my life doing practices. It is the main focus of my life, what i live for. I love it, and it has improved my life so much. I am far from perfect and still have challenges in my life, but the skills and tools i have learned have served me well and, i believe, will serve you to be healthier and happier. My life has improved tremendously as a result of the techniques and practices which I have learned and practiced.


I offer very simple sessions. We talk, perhaps over tea, perhaps while taking a walk. You tell me a little bit about what’s going on in your life, what you’re looking for, i offer you some suggestions on how to manifest it, how to be happier and healthier. Then it’s up to you to do the practices.

Personal Growth Workshop
For Beginners

The goal of this workshop is to give you an experience of being awake, alive, in your body, in community.

This is a beginner’s workshop, we’re not going to do anything radical.  It’s for people who are becoming interested in personal growth, and want an easy introduction, from an experienced walker on the path. Remember, you have the choice to participate or not in any exercise.

This workshop is a grab bag of different things i’ve learned over the years. It is different every time. if you take it ten times, it will never be the same twice.

The opening is the same,
I will say, as a musician i know that the most important thing is to tune up before we start. Sound tunes our energy, our chakras. Let’s stand up, hold hands in a circle, right hand down, left hand up, because traditionally we give with our right and recieve with our left, forming a circle of energy, and let’s tone, opening our mouths and throats, allowing the sound OMmm to vibrate us. We’re going to do this for a while, maybe 5 minutes. It’s not about how it sounds, as far as quality of singing voice, it’s about how it feels in your body, letting it vibrate you.

The next thing we will do is sit down, in a circle, and briefly introduce ourselves, giving our name and why we’re here.

After that, we’ll see.

If you want, you can get some friends together,
and we’ll set up a workshop just for you!


*    Learn ideas and practices which will help you to be healthier
and happier

*    Get a new perspective on our needs and priorities

Be more comfortable with ourselves and other people

*    Reconnect with ourselves and natur

*    Be in community with people who share our interest in
personal growth




mirror work
council work

massage (clothes on)

and more!

go to my writings page, click on the recommended readings


Beautiful Path

I walk this path
every day
watching my breath and
hearing my mind race

It’s a beautiful path
often I don’t see it
but when I do

it’s a beautiful path

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