Lesson Rates


I only teach about 6-9 hours a week. I have learned from experience that this is a sustainable number for me,
so that when you arrive for the lesson, my energy is
“i am so happy you’re here, because i love teaching”.

I have been playing 34 years, teaching 30. People tell me i’m a good teacher. I have worked with a lot of students who told me that they had taken lessons before, had not had good results with other teachers, but now were learning well from my lessons. I take great pride in giving you my best; i really want you to learn.

I teach everyone from janitors to lawyers; music is universal, and cuts across all boundaries, for this reason, I have a sliding scale, in recognition that what you are really paying me with is your time.
If you are a lawyer earning $400/hr, it takes about 10 minutes for you to make $60.
If you are a dishwasher making $15/hr., that same $60 would take you 4 hrs to earn.
If you are someone making millions a year, spending perhaps $500 on a bottle of wine.
Well, if you’re spending $500 on something which you will be peeing out within 24 hours,
what is a guitar lesson worth?

My belief is that a good lesson is something which will benefit you for the rest of your life.
I see people spending their money on all kinds of stuff. I think lessons are really valuable.
I want to teach people who also believe that.

My basic rate is $60/hr.

if you earn less than $30/hr, -you pay $50/hr
if you earn less than $25/hr, -you pay $45/hr.
if you earn less than $20/hr, -you pay$40/hr

all rates above are for single people. If you have kids to support, we can talk about it, but $40/hr is the minimum

on the other hand, if you are making really great money, the scale goes up
if you are earning more than 250k/yr, rate is $75/hr
more than $500k, rate is $90/hr
more than $1mil, rate is $120/hr
Bill Gates, George Soros, inquire for rates

Rather than some hardnosed negotiation, what i really want is to be able to freely and generously give what i have to offer, and to be offered what is within your ability to give, so that you walk away with the understanding and ability to make music,  and i walk away with the ability to put food on my table and a roof over my head.

be well,


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